PATRONSCatherine and Tony Perich 
Prof Felix ChanMedical Consultant to The Eggtober Foundation. Director of Gynaecological Oncology, Western Zone of Sydney South West Area Health. Prof Chan has appointments at Liverpool Hospital, Westmead Private Hospital, Sydney Adventist Hospital, Sydney Southwest Private Hospital, Macquarie University Hospital and The Hills Private Hospital. Prof Chan was winner of the prestigious GOLD MEDAL for the MRANZCOG examination in 1990. He came first in Australia. Winner of the prestigious Rotary Award for Vocational Excellence 2012 He is a member of the Australian Doctors Orchestra. His favourite pastime is trying to play the classical guitar like Tommy Emmanuel, with the emphasis on 'trying'. AMBASSADORS
KERRY CHIKAROVSKI Kerry “Chika” Chikarovski is one of Australia’s most respected and admired former female politicians. Kerry’s achievements extend far beyond her leadership of the NSW Liberal Party (1998-2002) and her twelve years in politics. Since retiring from politics in 2003 she has successfully carved out a career in government relations, as a corporate advisor, event speaker, leadership mentor and media commentator. Just to name a few. Today Kerry is a highly sought after and successful businesswoman, regularly invited to corporate and charity events as a guest speaker, discussion facilitator and master of ceremonies. With her vast experience in dealing with government and business, Kerry brings an ability to handle the issues, and engage with a diverse audience, across a broad sector. Of recent years she has become a regular on television and radio discussion panels and enjoys the atmosphere of live commentary and debate. Without a doubt Chika’s proudest moment has been becoming a grandmother to baby James ‘Chika’ Aitken. 
CHRISTINE JENSEN BURKE Christine Jensen Burke is a mountaineering enthusiast, business trainer and lawyer. She is currently a partner in Gilbert + Tobin’s Real Estate and Projects Group in Sydney. Originally from New Zealand, Chris has resided in Sydney for approximately 20 years. In 2011, Christine reached the summit of Mt Everest (8,848m) and in doing so became the 11th Australian woman to reach the summit. With dual nationality, Christine is the 5th woman from New Zealand to reach the summit. Over the last 12 years and in preparation for her Everest climb, Christine has climbed mountains in Nepal, Africa, Malaysia, New Zealand, Antarctica and South America. 
JULIEANNE HORSMAN Formerly from Channel 9 in Sydney Julieanne currently is employed at Racing NSW. She has been a journalist for over 10 years across print, radio and television. Recently she was runner up for a Kennedy Award for NSW Regional Journalist of the Year. She has been in the Army Reserves for 9 years and has served in the Solomon Islands. Most importantly, she is a proud Campbelltonian. 
RHONDA and SCOTT GIBBONS Scott and Rhonda Gibbons have a real passion for The Eggtober Foundation and Charities in general. They have a successful and extensive real estate background and now use their skills to concentrate on presenting for various commercials, emcee and auctioning through their company MrSOLD. Scott happily takes on the role of our Auctioneer and Emcee whenever required. 
JULIE SNOOK Julie is a Presenter and Journalist with the Nine Network in Sydney. She has been working within the media across print, radio and television for nine years. Julie is passionate about charity work and first became involved with the Eggtober Foundation in 2014, when she emceed alongside Scott Gibbons at the annual Eggtober Fundraising Ball. Julie is proud to be involved with the Foundation. PLATINUM PARTNERS 

Part of Dr Chan's Team The Eggtober Foundation has been endorsed by the Australian Taxation Office as a Deductible Gift Recipient. THIS MEANS ALL DONATIONS TO THE EGGTOBER FOUNDATION ARE TAX DEDUCTIBLE. 
GRIM STATISTICS | One woman dies every 10 hours from ovarian cancer | The 5 year survival rate for # ovarian cancer is less than 42% # uterine cancer is less than 70% # cervical cancer is less than 73%. | This compares with a 5 year survival rate of 88% for breast cancer. |

Assisted by Rotarians Denis Cummins (above) and Barrie Grimes (below) 

Youth Solutions taking up the Eggtober Challenge. They did 'Dare to Care for an Egg for a Meeting'!  
Some of the clever names submitted Aleggsander L'eggzy Aleggro Reggie vEGGo Eggsta (Eggsta Terrestrial) Aristotle Horatio Eggbert Shelly Send us your names! Join our Newsletter Tell a Friend 
TOTAL AMOUNT RAISED: Thus far The Eggtober Foundation has been instrumental in raising over $850,000.00 To contact us, PHONE 1300eggtober the eggtober foundation supports; - women with ovarian cancer, uterine cancer, vulvar, vaginal and cervical cancer
- gynaecological cancer units and clinicians
- professional and community education
- research initiatives

Robotic Surgical Theatre namedThe Eggtober Foundation recognising The Foundation's efforts to improve medical services for women with gynaecological cancers at Liverpool Hospital via the acquisition of the da Vinci Surgical Robot 

A closeup of the Plaque 
Is it straight Prof Chan? 
Amazing recognition! 
Prof Chan reflecting on performing his first gynae robotic surgery on a public patient in Liverpool Hospital. Exciting times! 
At our recent Purple Tie Charity Event, The Eggtober Foundation agreed to donate $200,000.00 to Liverpool Hospital as the first instalment for the purchase of a da Vinci Surgical Robot with dual console. Together with the da Vinci Surgical Simulator, donated by the Perich Family, Liverpool Hospital will be the ONLY hospital (and a public one at that) in Australasia with this system in place. All specialties from head and neck, heart, lung, gynaecological, prostate, bowel, bladder etc will be utilising the Surgical Robot at Liverpool Hospital. So in effect our advocacy and substantial donation goes way beyond our goals of assisting gynaecological cancers. The advantages to the patients, surgeons and hospital are mind blowing. For example complicated surgery requiring 2 different specialists, say bowel and gynae the 2 surgeons could operate at the same time on the patient. What used to be a 10 day stay in hospital, can now be reduced to over night stay or even end up as Day Surgery. Patients will recover more quickly due to small incisions, less blood loss and less pain. Surgeons from all over Australia, NZ and Asia will come to Liverpool Hospital to train on the da Vinci Surgical Simulator and Dual Console Surgical Robot. It's a great acquisition for Liverpool Hospital and South West Sydney! A dream come true for Prof Felix Chan. Thank you to The Team at Eggtober, The Eggtober Board and ALL our great Sponsors and Donors! Lynda Chamberlain ChairPatrons: Catherine and Tony Perich Ambassadors: Julieanne Horsman, Julie Snook and Scott Gibbons Platinum Partners: Freedom Foods and Device Technologies Silver Partners: Perich Group, The Rotary Club of Narellan, The Rotary Club of Parramatta, Bespoke Social, The Heritage Kitchen Garden Cafe Malabar, Infine Print Bronze Partners Liverpool City Council, The Rotary Club of Camden
A/Prof Felix Chan, The Eggtober Foundation Board, Supporters from the Rotary Clubs of Narellan and Parramatta on a tour of the Surgical Robot.  Celebrating the official launch of the Academic Surgical Robotic Unit and the Centre for Innovation in Robotics. 
Join the slow food challenge! Do you dare to care for an egg for a day? see our downloads page for further information Have a purple mufti day or purple morning tea at your school or workplace? Do you have a desire to make a difference? A personal challenge? · Something to celebrate? Wish to fundraise in memory of someone special? A Special Occasion? Register at Go Fundraise to set up your own fundraising page. Donors to your fundraising efforts will automatically receive a tax deductible receipt for donations over $2. 
We need your help to raise funds for Gynaecological Cancers! The Eggtober Foundation hopes you will join in the fun and help a very worthy cause. Gynaecological Cancers have a low public profile compared to other types of cancers and lag far behind for public awareness, prevention/control, public funding and private donation. Yet Gynaecological Cancers have very grim statistics. The five-year survival rate experienced by females diagnosed with ovarian cancer in 1999-2003 in NSW was 42% compared with 88% for female breast cancer. Known as the silent killer most ovarian cancers are not detected until an advanced stage, when prognosis is poor, hence the low survival rate. 
The Eggtober Foundation aims to help improve survival rates by; • Improving service delivery in the detection and treatment of Gynaecological Cancer, through the purchase of equipment and supplies thus assisting both Doctors and Patients in Australia, • Funding research into Gynaecological Cancer, • Promoting public awareness of Gynaecological Cancers.  
